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Open Penpal Search

Total members : 622240

Cinsiyet : Erkek
Yaş : 33
Yaşadığı yer : Güney Kore
こんにちは. 今年中に必ず日本旅行に行きたくて計画中です そしていつか世界一周をすることがバケットリストの一つですが その時が来たら閑静な日本の田舎町で暮らしてみることも...
Cinsiyet : Kadın
Yaş : 45
Yaşadığı yer : Almanya
Hello, my name is Ninne from Germany. I hope to find friends from South Korea. Since a few month I am learning the korean language and hope for nice conversations for practice. I’m interested in garde...
a990y9a9a190kedeaf71 d94(854ef5b2f)7bc
Cinsiyet : Kadın
Yaş : 25
Yaşadığı yer : Japonya
안녕하세요 저는 아야카 입니다한국어를 가르쳐 줄 친구를 찾고있습니다 98년생 Instagram id aysnwh exo travel 仲良くしてくれる方 メール待ってますよろしくお願いし...
Cinsiyet : Erkek
Yaş : 31
Yaşadığı yer : Güney Kore
こんにちは 気楽に連絡を取りながら 日本語も理解を深めつつ 日本と韓国の日常の話を共有できたらとても嬉しいです 私は1992年生まれで 韓国年齢で32歳です 私も いつでもお気軽にご...
Cinsiyet : Kadın
Yaş : 25
Yaşadığı yer : Hollanda
Hi there, my name is Manon and I live in the Netherlands. I am here to make global friends D As I just graduated, I want to travel more now that I still can. This year s Spring I went on a solo travel...
Cinsiyet : Kadın
Yaş : 37
Yaşadığı yer : Güney Kore
Hello Do you have a friend who will be my pen pal Please send me an e mail if you re going to be my precious friend こんにちは 私とペンパルする友達はいますか 大切な縁になる方たちにメールお願いし...
Cinsiyet : Erkek
Yaş : 38
Yaşadığı yer : Güney Kore
Hi. Good to see you. I m Korean and living in JeonJu, which is the southern small town of Korea. I m looking for a friend to talk with. I prefer email, but I gladly welcome snail mail. Coffee and cook...