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Open Penpal Search

Total members : 622237

Cinsiyet : Erkek
Yaş : 39
Yaşadığı yer : Japonya
Someone asked me why I love traveling, and I said Because on the road of traveling, I can meet all kinds of people and things, experience all kinds of different scenery and customs, this colorful life...
Cinsiyet : Erkek
Yaş : 29
Yaşadığı yer : Norfolk Adaları
Hello, everyone, and welcome to my self introduction 初めてまして 私はリカイリンと申します 我来自中国 今年29岁 擅长各种语言 兴趣爱好是跳舞唱歌 本人也很幽默搞笑 结合起来就像一头小狮子一...
Cinsiyet : Kadın
Yaş : 38
Yaşadığı yer : Güney Kore
HelloMy name is Jihye. I m Korean. I live in Seoul, Korea. I can speak English and Japanese. I want to be close by mail or communication. When we get closer, I want to visit your country or meet you w...
Cinsiyet : Kadın
Yaş : 29
Yaşadığı yer : Japonya
韓国人 日本語 韓国語 한국인 일본어 한국어 日本に住んでいる韓国人です 最近K POPにハマりました 中国人のメンバーが好きになったので 中国語勉強をしたいです 韓国語と日本語なら...
Cinsiyet : Kadın
Yaş : 38
Yaşadığı yer : Japonya
初めましてコロナ禍で旅行にも行けず家で過ごす時間が多くなったので 以前から興味のあった韓国語を勉強しています 韓国料理や韓国ドラマが大好きです色んな人と友達になれたら...
Cinsiyet : Erkek
Yaş : 17
Yaşadığı yer : Rusya
I’m here to make new friends and connect with interesting people. Practicing English. student from russia write me, I’ll tell you more about myself trying to learn front e...
Cinsiyet : Erkek
Yaş : 26
Yaşadığı yer : Japonya
My name is Hotaka. I m Japanese. I want to talk foreign people a lotMy hobbies are visiting a lot of places sightseeing ,eating some foods in various countries and listening to music. etc. I was stud...