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Open Penpal Search

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Cinsiyet : Erkek
Yaş : 40
Yaşadığı yer : Güney Kore
いい日本の友達に会いたいです いろんな日常の会話をしながらお互いに親しくなりたいですね 日本語が上手ではないので翻訳機を使っています 返事が遅くなるかもしれませんが 必ず...
Cinsiyet : Kadın
Yaş : 30
Yaşadığı yer : Güney Kore
안녕하세요한국에서 직장 다니고 있습니다 언어교환, 문화교류를 하면서 좋은 친구가 될 수 있으면 좋겠습니다 # Hi I d like to make friends from around the worldI like to exchange culture and language For free ...
Cinsiyet : Erkek
Yaş : 30
Yaşadığı yer : Fransa
Hello, I m Ana l. I come from France. I would like to exchange with friends around the world. So feel free to contact me. I m also looking forward to studying korean and if you can help me by anychanc...
Cinsiyet : Erkek
Yaş : 17
Yaşadığı yer : Güney Kore
はじめまして韓国に住む06年生まれです Jpopが好きです 日本語に興味があり 勉強するために参加しました まだ翻訳者がいなければうまく話せませんが 大丈夫なら親しくなりたいです ...
Cinsiyet : Erkek
Yaş : 19
Yaşadığı yer : Güney Kore
こんにちは 韓国に住んでいる05年生まれです 翻訳機を夢見ているので日本語と文化に慣れています お互いに役に立つ関係を好み 長い間連絡しながら過ごせたらと思います 趣味でピア...
Cinsiyet : Erkek
Yaş : 36
Yaşadığı yer : Macaristan
Nice to meet you, I m Frank, living in Budapest. I have an experiences to live in Tokyo, Seoul. I hope to talk with other people having various background. I m waiting for your message, Thank you. 始めま...
Cinsiyet : Erkek
Yaş : 28
Yaşadığı yer : Güney Kore
Hii XD Im Dusty I currently live in Kor I can speak simple Eng and Arb And my current job is a producer In short u can think of it as doing entertainment with musicians I can make frds and I want to e...