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Open Penpal Search

Total members : 622217

Cinsiyet : Erkek
Yaş : 22
Yaşadığı yer : Güney Kore
Hi allMy name is Mingyu. I am 22 years old right now. And, I really really hope to make Japanese friends to study JapanesePlease talk to me freel...
Cinsiyet : Erkek
Yaş : 23
Yaşadığı yer : Güney Kore
こんにちは よろしくお願いします まず 私は日本の色んな文化が好きな人です 日本語の基本の対話なら可能です ほんの少しですが 今度大阪の日本計画もありますがいろんな情報を得...
Cinsiyet : Kadın
Yaş : 55
Yaşadığı yer : Japonya
初めまして 韓国が好きで興味があるので韓国の方と繋がりたくて登録しました 韓国語は話せませんが日常の何気ない事や韓国の文化 韓国で流行っている事など色 な会話がしたいです...
Cinsiyet : Kadın
Yaş : 55
Yaşadığı yer : Brezilya
English Teacher. Student of Criminology Loves cats Looking for sincere friendship I am not fake. If you dont believe me, ask for my instagram account. Not looking for sex or any kind of perv...
Cinsiyet : Kadın
Yaş : 29
Yaşadığı yer : Hollanda
初めましてキラと申します オランダに住んでいて 日本語の大学で卒業しました しかし 日本語で話す機会が少ないので 誰かと練習したいと思います 趣味は映画を見たり 音楽を聴い...
Cinsiyet : Kadın
Yaş : 20
Yaşadığı yer : Endonezya
Hi everyone, my name is Flaviana. I m from Indonesia, and I was a Law Student on Indonesia. I want to make friends with those of you who come from the other countries, I also want to know the culture ...
Cinsiyet : Erkek
Yaş : 47
Yaşadığı yer : Brezilya
Hello everybody My name is Rodrigo I d like to make friends all over the world and improve English as second language. We can exchange experiences about culture, lifestyle, custom, etc. Drop me a ,if ...