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Open Penpal Search

Total members : 622185

Cinsiyet : Kadın
Yaş : 42
Yaşadığı yer : Japonya
Hi I m from Japan. I want to meet friends from all over the worldI m interested in the culture and music of other countries. I would like to talk a lot with friends. There are many my page visitors, b...
Cinsiyet : Erkek
Yaş : 52
Yaşadığı yer : Güney Kore
Hello. As a child I always had penpals from different countries. I have such fond memories of it. Needless to say I m happy to have found this site. Would love to communicate with people from all over...
Cinsiyet : Erkek
Yaş : 35
Yaşadığı yer : Güney Kore
こんにちは いま 東京にワーキングホリデーですんでいます 友達を作りたいし 日本語を勉強していますので韓国語を勉強している人がいいですが しなくっても話はできるからお気に...
Cinsiyet : Erkek
Yaş : 40
Yaşadığı yer : Güney Kore
안녕하세요 v 저는 외국인들과 소통하는걸 좋아해요 그래서 영어나 일본어도 열심히 배우고 외국에 대해 더 알아가려고 노력하고있어요다 좋아요 쪽지나 메일 많이보내주세요 좋은하루 ...
Cinsiyet : Kadın
Yaş : 23
Yaşadığı yer : Güney Kore
こんにちは 日本語が上手ではなくて翻訳機を使いました 年生まれの大学生です 日本語も学びたいし 趣味が合う外国人の友達を作りたいです あれこれ関心が多くて声をかけてくださ...
Cinsiyet : Kadın
Yaş : 27
Yaşadığı yer : Bruney
Looking for Short terms housemates for March 2025 Me and My partner will go to Japan for our first time we would love to make friends and knows someone from Japan that can guide us and be friends with...
Cinsiyet : Erkek
Yaş : 45
Yaşadığı yer : Japonya
Hi, I am Ishy. I am studying various language ,so I will begin this penpal site. Japanese native, English so well, If you are OK, I look forward to hearing from you. はじめまして いっしーといいます いろんな言語の勉強をし...