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from my best Japanese friend ^^
23,Apr 2012 03:50 AM
29,Apr 2012 07:30 PM
One Piece~ <3
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Total comment(s) :10
우와!! 양이 엄청나네요~ 저는 친구한테 화장품 사줬는데 ㅎ
helenio3 | 29,Apr 2012
oh, ONEPEACH! kk
It's really good..^^!!
narae915 | 29,Apr 2012
your friend lucky!! so lucky!
gulsah21 | 23,Apr 2012
im lucky! ^^ he is so good person. im really lucky kkk
mira6002 | 29,Apr 2012
우와 부럽네요ㅋㅋ
gksqhfk3 | 23,Apr 2012
좋은친구? 저 처럼? ㅋㅋ
mira6002 | 29,Apr 2012
AI* | 23,Apr 2012
yeah... ^^
mira6002 | 29,Apr 2012
wow great !! :))
ysmn | 23,Apr 2012
wow ^^ enjoy
yamanda | 23,Apr 2012