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From Japan♥ 日本からお菓子♡
16,Nov 2013 12:13 AM
23,Jan 2014 09:44 PM
Today I received from my friend Japanese sweets! They are really delicious!♥
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Total comment(s) :7
Pure!!!!my favorite japanese jelly!!
namgywn | 23,Jan 2014
Woah! That's a good friend you have!
sylviedn | 22,Jan 2014
Good firend!
psoj98 | 22,Jan 2014
WOW super :D čo si dostala okrem sladkosti? :D
matty13 | 22,Jan 2014
List, pohľadnicu a ešte kľúčenku.
hennie | 23,Jan 2014
Wow ! I want make this *-*
ceyda_ | 08,Jan 2014
wow;!! great~ hehe :)
minelif | 17,Nov 2013