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Snail Mail ♡
02,Mar 2014 11:02 PM
16,Mar 2014 05:21 AM
These are all letters i got.
Now im looking for a new pen friend. ^-^
I have three pen friends, indeed.
I want to know about Asian culture, we can exchange gifts, culture and language, its fun!
My Indonesian letter friend sent me this. I love snail mail!! ^______^
Please send me a message if you want to be my penpal.
PS: You should write letter first, you can trust me. Absolutely, i will reply your letter as soon as.
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Total comment(s) :2
I'm from Hong Kong!!Can we write snail mail❤I'm studying in a English School so that my English is okay^^
dominah | 11,Mar 2014
I have sent a message to you, already! ^-^
melike- | 16,Mar 2014